Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Obama and McCain’s Views on Abortion and Gay Rights

Barack Obama has said that a woman has the right to decided and he believes that this is one of the nation’s most fundamental freedoms. He opposes a constitutional amendment or federal law banning abortion. It was once implied by Obama that he would look into appointing a Supreme Court member who supports Roe v. Wade. “It is time for a different attitude in the White House. It is time for a different attitude in the Supreme Court,” stated by Barack Obama. Obama criticized the Supreme Court ruling in April that upheld a band on late-term abortion procedure opponents called partial-birth abortion.

John McCain opposes abortion except in certain circumstance. These include when a woman was raped, in cases in incest, or to protect the lift of the pregnant woman. McCain is against the 1973 court case Roe v. Wade, and believes that it should be over turned. McCain is also against partial-birth abortion and voted against it in 2003.

Obama says on his website that he personally believes marriage is between a man and a woman, but he does feel the need to amend the constitution to band same-sex marriages. He believes that the decision on what the definition of marriage is should be left up to the states. He also thinks that same-sex couples should have the same benefits as a married couple, including hospital visitation rights and health insurance coverage.

McCain voted for the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, which set a federal definition of marriage between a man and a woman and said states don’t have to recognize same-sex marriages performed by another state. He is opposed to a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriages. McCain believes that same-sex couples should be able to enter into contracts but should not be able to have a civil union. Palin however supports a constitution amendment banning gay marriage, a break with McCain who has said he believes it should be up to the states to decide what a marriage is.

My belief

These two issues are very controversial issues within many religions, especially in the Catholic Church. The Catholic religion believes that abortion should never be allowed in any circumstance no matter rape, incest, or the life of the pregnant mother. Also, the Catholic religion believes that that marriage is only between a man and a woman. Even though I was brought up in the Catholic Church and I was told that I must believe everything that the Catholic religion states, I have been questioning many of these issues that I “supposed” to believe in for some time now. I disagree on what the Catholic religion states about abortion. I feel that our current law on abortion is exactly what our society needs today. If abortion was ever illegal then many women would illegally get abortions and could possibly danger their lives because “professionals” would not be able to perform the procedures in a safe place. Also, I believe that marriage does not have to be between a man and a woman. I feel that any man and man or woman and woman should have the same rights to get married. I feel that times have changed and not many people can live exactly how they are supposed to live under the Catholic Church.





Kcutie said...

It is clear to see that Obama is for allowing the practice of abortion to be legal, and that McCain wants abortion to be banned. However, both seem to agree that a marriage should be between a man and a woman, not people of the same sex. With the different views on abortion, but similar views on marriage, would it still be safe to safe Obama is strictly pro-choice and McCain is strictly pro-life (following mainly the abortion case)? What other situations do you think Obama would consider that McCain would be strongly against?

ksaid said...

Yes I would say it is safe to say that Obama is pro-choice and McCain is pro-life. McCain has stated that there are some situations to where he believes that abortion is okay, these include, rape, incest, or if the pregnancy was endangering the mothers life. It was not stated anywhere that I found but I believe that Obama may have different moral issues with abortion but legally he believes that women have a right to have an abortion.

One main issue that these two did not see eye to eye on is the war. McCain opposes with scheduling a troop withdrawal while Obama speaks against the war and is not for more troops to be sent into war. Obama has gone into more detail on education than McCain. Neither of the parties are against education by any means but Obama wanted to do more for the students in school and the teachers. McCain stated that he believes that the Second Amendment should be preserved, which means no gun control while Obama wants to tighten regulation.